Every life matters, we do care for our patients
Swastika Cancer Foundation is working towards making cancer patients live cancer free life keeping their mental and physical health intact.
Patients Saved From Swastika Cancer Foundation

Mr Hari - Gall Bladder Cancer Surgery
Mr Hari survived from Gall Bladder Cancer and now living happy cancer free life.

Mr Shyam - Gall Bladder Cancer Surgery
Mr Shyam survived from Gall bladder Cancer and now living happy cancer free life.
Cervix Cancer Type C - Radial Hysterectomy
Cervix Cancer Type C - Radial Hysterectomy
Cervix Cancer Type C - Radial Hysterectomy
Cervix Cancer Type C - Radial Hysterectomy
Oral Cancer Surgery
Oral Cancer Surgery
Oral Cancer Surgery
Oral Cancer Surgery

Mr Radhe Kumar - Oral Cancer Surgery
Mr Radhe kumar survived from Oral cancer and now living happy cancer free life.

Mr Radhe kumar- Oral Cancer Surgery
Mr Radhe kumar survived from Oral cancer and now living happy cancer free life.

Mr Khalid Ansari- Oral Cancer Surgery
Mr Khalid Ansari survived from Oral cancer and now living happy cancer free life.
