Cancer Helpline: +91 783 848 7759, +91 740 853 8942

Address: Indra Nagar, Lucknow


“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

Who We Are


Our Mission is to undertake health education and early detective activities in cancer and setup small/ medium/ large Hospitals with all latest medical facilities like cobalt therapy unit/ mamography unit etc. in various parts of the country.

To encourage field studies, exchange of ideas and views and to organize conference, lectures, seminars, workshops, exhibitions to spread awareness about cancer among the community, aid in treatment of cancer patients of poor and aged/ sick/ helpless and indigent persons.

To promote, establish, develop institutions for the disabled and to provide for education, food and clothing to them. Promote, establish, run and maintain hospitals, dispensaries, diagnostic centers, multipurpose community centers for the poor and aged/ sick/ helpless/ and indigent persons.

To promote, establish, run and maintain educational institutions, non-formal education centers, vocational training institutions for ladies, children and people belonging to poor and weaker sections of the society. To work for community development particularly in rural areas. Donate to similar institutions having similar objects, and grant Scholarships and stipends to students belongings to institutions or any school or college for or of their studies within India or outside India.

To establish, maintain and grant aid to institutions for development of health and physical development.

To donate, provide and distribute articles of daily use and necessities such food, outings, books, medicines etc. amongst the poor and victims of natural calamities such as famine, epidemics, fire, flood, earthquake, etc

To uplift basic health standards of the rural masses particularly of Scheduled Caste/ Scheduled tribes/ Backward classes/ Weaker Section by providing free medical advice. distributing medicines free of cost and organizing free medical camps, promoting small family norms and population control.

Mission | Swastika Cancer Foundation

01 - Mission and vision

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02 - Charity projects

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03 - Foundation

Procuring education on consulted assurance in do. Is sympathize he expression mr no travelling. Preference he he at travelling in resolution. So striking at of to welcomed resolved. Northward by described up household therefore attention.

We are the best cancer foundation helping every cancer patient across India with the help of Best Oncologist in Lucknow. 


Head & Neck Cancer

Oral Cancer

Breast Cancer

Lung Cancer

Stomach Cancer

Urological Cancer

Gynaecological Cancer

Colorectal Cancer

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